About Me
"Everybody makes their own fun. If you don't make it, it's not fun.
It's Entertainment" - David Mamet
My first memories of engaging an audience come from a very young age, entertaining parents' party guests and school friends alike with ludicrous books and fantastical adventures, all through the art of storytelling. As I grew, every opportunity to get on stage was embraced. But as I journeyed though theatre into film, working at all levels of production, my tastes matured until I found myself very much at home overseeing the jigsaw puzzle of Post Production. Having now worked consistently in Post for 15 years, I offer a wealth of knowledge and experience as a Video Editor, Compositor, Colourist, Sound Designer, Audio Engineer and Music Composer. These skillsets are augmented by a broad technical knowledge of Post Production pipelines, close working knowledge of Pre-Production workflows and an enthusiasm for Storytelling
at every level of Production.